Friday, February 8, 2008


Its a perfect Harry Potter like setting at IIT this month. A big war is just going to begin, the warriors of which have already started acquiring sides (That sounds more like LOTR! ). An average Harry keeps running all day through infinite dark corridors, sometimes looking for attendance, searching a surprise quiz or just finding his coveted NOC that Professor Deanbledore has probably thrown into the fire of his phoenix. Midway during his run he is stopped by a warrior who starts scaring him about the war, and tells him how only he can save Harry and others like him. Potter doesnt listen (though pretends to), he just smiles and nods and moves on to find another warrior waiting for him.......Its going to be a long war !

Amidst all these, a high alert was announced on the cold Thursday morning as some random guy spotted a strange soulless creature in a dark black hood, mysteriously floating past the trees. It was later confirmed (as feared) that he was one of the guardians of the prison of Aerozaban , who had escaped by choice! But before anything could be was too late. They were everywhere !

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